By Issa Asad

Instant Profits with YouTube

Your Guide to Creating a Successful YouTube Channel

Download Your FREE Copy of Issa Asad’s Guide to Helping You Explode Your YouTube Channel with the Power of 10 Never Released Secrets. This Is a BRAND NEW E-Book from Best-Seller Issa Asad!

To celebrate the release of his new e-book, Instant Profits with YouTube, Issa Asad is giving away four $50 Amazon gift cards! You can enter to win one of four $50 Amazon gift cards once you download Instant Profits with YouTube now. Just click below to get started!

Why should you get your FREE copy of Issa Asad Instant Profits with YouTube?

Downloading a FREE copy of Issa Asad Instant Profits with YouTube will teach you how to properly link out to your website, introduce your audience to different aspects of your product lineup, and capture new audiences, simply by leading them to your website from your YouTube channel.
Don’t continue to use the same tactics that haven’t landed you anywhere in the past. Sure, you can, and should, continue to use the different marketing practices that have helped your social media following grow. However, you have to make sure you’re following what the masses are looking for, that you’re delivering content your viewers want to see, and that you are engaging with your niche audience, in a manner that is going to keep them coming back for more.

YouTube video creating and building a powerful YouTube channel for your own brand, is the starting point to being able to do this.

Garner the Power of YouTube

This means that the video content you’re producing has the opportunity to reach up to 1 billion pairs of eyes from day to day. Although your content isn’t going to reach every user, YouTube allows you to market to your niche audience, create relevant content, and create engaging video content, that they’re interested in watching and learning more about.

Properly link out to your website

Capture new audiences

Create engaging video content

Introduce your audience to different aspects of your product lineup

Create a Well-Made Homepage

Garner the power of creating a well-made and placed YouTube homepage

Your Audience

Create engaging content that is the right length and hits on all key points your audience wants to see

Communicate Live

Learn how to create free live streaming content, to engage with and communicate with your audience live

Use Calls to Action

Use CTAs (calls to action), links, and other end-screen images, to lead your audience to other content on your YouTube channel


E-Book from Best-Seller Issa Asad

As the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings in Dania, Florida, Issa has been in the digital and marketing industries for several years. His success has not only helped professionals in the wireless field, but online companies looking to improve their standing through the proper digital platforms, to improve their online presence, and build their reputation in competitive niches.

Since 1996, Issa has worked in industries including
wireless, marketing, advertising, technology, and telecommunications. He’s also held many hats and titles, with multiple telecom, telecommunications, and marketing agencies. Some of the titles he’s held in the industries he’s worked in, include:

  • CEO
  • Marketing manager
  • President and Vice President
  • Member
  • Founder
He's worked with multiple online-based companies,
and has helped several companies over the 20 plus years of experience he’s had in these industries, not only build their online presence, but also build their product base and improve their market standing as leaders in their industries.
With his extensive knowledge of multiple industries
both on and offline, Issa Asad is qualified in providing you with excellent details regarding how to reach the right audience, how to market to your audience, and how to engage with visitors, to ensure the best outcomes for your online presence.
Issa's passion, dedication, and knowledge
of the online industry, has allowed him to help national and international companies thrive in the competitive online marketplace today. He’s implemented multiple online marketing campaigns for companies, he’s familiar with the ever-changing online landscape of advertising and marketing, and he’s helped companies launch and implement multiple online marketing campaigns, to reach their audience, and to help them improve their standing in competitive niches and industries online.
As a leader in his industry, Issa Asad
is one of the most well respected entrepreneurs in his base of Dania, Florida, as well as throughout the United States. With his knowledge in the international realm, he’s also assisted many companies which are based outside of the United States, in improving their online standing and marketing reach as well. Issa has been featured in multiple print publications including

  • Phone Plus
  • Intellecard News
  • Convenience Store News

He’s been featured in multiple print publications of these, and other marketing and digital publication, which focus on the industries he specializes in.

Issa Asad's Instant Profits with Instagram
In 2014, Issa Asad launched his popular e-book entitled, Issa Asad’s Instant Profits with Instagram. He provided readers with instant tools, marketing tactics, and ways to improve their online marketing efforts, harvesting the power of this social media platform. The ultimate guide was also offered to readers in a free e-book format. Now, you can get win a free copy of his newest e-book, which teaches you how to grow your online presence using the powerful YouTube platform.

With over two decades of experience in his respective fields, Issa Asad is qualified to provide the best resources and information available to help you reframe your online marketing tactics. With this latest e-book, you’ll not only learn how to use YouTube, but how to recreate your brand, your company, and link to your other social media platforms, in order to increase your social reach through the sites visitors are most reaching your website through.

Author Issa Asad

Download Your FREE Copy of Issa Asad’s Guide to Helping You Explode Your YouTube Channel with the Power of 10 Never Released Secrets. This Is a BRAND NEW E-Book from Best-Seller Issa Asad!

Your FREE copy of Issa Asad Instant Profits with YouTube e-book will help you land hundreds if not thousands of new subscribers to your YouTube channel. You will learn the power of utilizing your other social media platforms, engaging with your viewers, and producing relevant content, that will captivate your audience in a manner you can’t do through other social media channels or marketing outlets.

Ready to reach those eyes and online viewers?

If you are ready to regain control of your online social media presence, and want to introduce your online presence to an entirely new audience, then YouTube is a great social media platform on which to engage and reach out to potential followers. With over one billion users on a daily basis, it’s one of the most visited websites online today.

Issa Asad is ready to teach you how to do so, and use the powerful online platform for online success. Click the download button and get ready to get your FREE e-book now!

Get your FREE copy of Issa Asad Instant Profits with YouTube!

It’s going to help you revolutionize how you target your audience, and how you go about building up an online following through top marketing platforms like YouTube!