Issa Asad New Year Business

Issa Asad Says Don’t Do These 4 Business Habits in 2017

Everybody seems to be talking about the New Year’s resolutions at this time of the year.

Issa Asad Florida

Issa Asad Florida

“All of us tend to look at stuff we want to do or achieve in the coming year,” said Issa Asad Florida tech guru and entrepreneur. Mr. Asad is the CEO of 2 companies located in South Florida, including Q Link Wireless and Bond Media.

You probably already have the list of things you should be doing this new year but have you ever considered a list of things that you should not be doing in the new year? You can resolve to eliminate detrimental workplace habits to help you boost productivity and achieve success at work this year.

1. Avoid Hyperactivity

The all new ‘morning routine’ regime has been all the rage of late and everywhere you go you can meet people ad read articles recommending a list of activities that you must do every morning to be successful professionally as well as in your personal life. These activities range from reading, writing, journaling, exercising, meditation and even juicing or spending time with the family. How can you be expected to do all that every morning and more importantly why should you do it? You should not have to design your life by other people’s or guru’s expectations. In fact, the very foundation of professional success lies in being unique and leading in your own way, different from what everybody else is doing.

2. Technology Overdose

Technology dependence of professionals has clearly been growing every year, with surveys clearly showing the rise with facts such as the one where over 85% of American workers regularly check their business email even after their working hours. With the rise in digitization, the expectation of being just a call or ping away has become a burden on professionals. This year you must take a pledge to reduce this technology dependence and maybe even go off the grid for some time, completely giving up checking text messages of emails consistently.

3. The Multitasking Myth

While this was earlier considered a quality, worth possessing for improved employability, multitasking has since lost its charisma. The reason behind its fall from grace is the fact that research has clearly shown that human beings are incapable of efficient multitasking and handling multiple tasks at the same time reduces productivity greatly, causing confusion and unnecessary distraction from the primary job. A loss in focus is the reason behind multitasking’s ineffectiveness. When we constantly switch between tasks, our mind takes time to adjust and also significantly increases the chances of error. Thus the quality of work is also greatly impacted by forcibly trying to multitask.

4. Unnecessary Meetings

Meetings essentially entail planning for the future projects, tasks, and decisions. With the penetration of corporate culture into the smallest of businesses, the ubiquitous meeting seems to be popping up everywhere. Businesses lose a huge amount of productive working hours to poorly conducted meetings. While not all meetings are unnecessary, the ones that are, which is a significant number, end up causing a significant loss to the business. If you are responsible for organizing meetings with your team, make a resolve to weed out all unnecessary meetings from your team’s agenda. Every meeting must have a specific agenda and a direction led by a knowledgeable team member. This is the perfect recipe for effective meetings.