Issa Asad Good Boss TipsBosses are usually viewed as people who are always commanding and giving instruction which must be followed, but this is not always the case. Becoming an awesome boss is not as hard as many people believe. Changing from being just a team member to a manager is a great step because you do not only change the name and roles, but also behaviors must change.

The functions you play also go up to a more difficult level. “This happens because you will have to manage more employees and their work, unlike in the past when you only had to manage your own projects and work,” explains Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur and businessman since 1996. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings.

You find yourself supervising your fellow employees whom you complained about your manager together. Despite this, it is not hard to become a good manager; all you need to do is to take your time to plan on how you undertake your new role. To help you in the process, this article offers you Issa Asad 4 ways to be an awesome boss.

1. Restructure Your Relationship with Other Staff Members

This is one of the trickiest things you must do when you become a manager. You might not want to reframe your relationship with employees whom you are very close, but in order to function effectively as a manager, you need to do so. This does not mean that you avoid them completely; all you have to do is to focus more on your major roles. Even when you have fun with other staff members, make sure you are responsible and be a leader in your company.

2. Demonstrate Leadership

A good leader does not lead by just mere talks, they lead by acting. This helps create a culture in which other staff members would want to copy the leader as they carry out their roles too. You need to consider the qualities that you would want your employees to exhibit and practice them, so that you act as a role model. This will help you build respect and trust among your employees, thus making it easy for you to manage them through understanding and consensus.

3. Communicate Regularly and in an Effective Way

Having great communication skills is one of the key qualities that every employee regardless of the career level should have. Therefore to become an awesome manager, you need to work on improving your skills both in written and verbal form. Make sure that your staff members understand the goals they are aiming to achieve when playing their different roles. This will make them be more productive because they know that you have confidence in their abilities. When there is a new policy that requires to be implemented, inform them the reason for its implementation, the role they play in the process and the effects it will have on them. They may not like the policy, but if they understand it, they will respect you and the position you hold.

4. Be a Good Listener

You need to encourage open door policies because they enhance honesty, conversation and openness. Listen to the challenges faced by your employees and change the one causing problems. However, set limits so that you play your functions effectively.