Issa Asad LinkedIn

Issa Asad Shares 4 Tips to Use LinkedIn for Your Business

Brand marketing is an important practice for every business. Nowadays, the emergence of internet technology has led to the creation of social media platforms that have large number of user. Popular social media platforms include Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Social media provide an enormous market potential to the business owners. Most of the companies have grasped this opportunity and ventured into social media marketing.

However, Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur says that “many people have overlooked LinkedIn as a marketing platform.” Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, located in South Florida. “As LinkedIn is not popular as other social media platforms, most people do not know how to market their brands through this platform.”

There are many ways to use your LinkedIn as a brand engagement channel. Here Issa Asad shares 4 tips to use LinkedIn for your business.

1. Listen

Listening is very vital when it comes to marketing your brands through LinkedIn. The rule of thumb is to listen more than you talk. Join many LinkedIn groups and commit yourself as an active participant. After this, you can sit and listen to the ongoing discussions and wait before jumping into the conversations. Joining and LinkedIn group discussions are the perfect way to know the customers’ needs and interests. But how will you be sure that a group discussion is effective? The studies revealed that people who engage in a LinkedIn group discussion get up to four times profile views.

2. Update Your Profile

Since you have many people looking at your profile, it is important to include the accurate and up-to-date information describes you and your business. If you provide false information about yourself, there will be fewer chances of somebody reading your profile from the beginning to the last. Acquire a company LinkedIn page and link it along with other social media platforms so that customers will find you easily. Put a professional photo and relevant content on the profile page. Also, recommendations and endorsements from others is the best way of marketing yourself in LinkedIn. Satisfied customers can be the best ambassadors for your brands.

3. Do Your Homework

It is a fact that changes in an organization can create opportunities. Each day some changes are made in a company somewhere. These changes can give you the chance to offer you help in the event of changes in an organization. Discovering of these changes has been made possible with LinkedIn. You can follow the companies that have LinkedIn pages. In this case, any change will be updated on your LinkedIn page. In fact, this is an easy way for staying updated and spotting new opportunities.

4. Take Your Time

Being patient will help you achieve desired results. If you take your time and wait, it will not take long before you get customers. Moreover, you should use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to help you prioritized leads gathered from the LinkedIn database.


It is undeniable that LinkedIn is a social media platform that has great potential for marketing brands. If the business owners realize the role played LinkedIn, they would be able to achieve significant growth in their business. Moreover, LinkedIn will save you a lot of money that will have been used on other marketing channels.