Issa Asad Millionaire

Issa Asad Millionaire

Issa Asad Shares 4 Words That Millionaires Know More Than You

Issa Asad Florida

Issa Asad Florida

People reach that coveted millionaire status in a variety of ways. They have different businesses, different ideas, etc.

“However, the one thing that all millionaires have in common is that they are successful and they worked hard to get to where they are,” explained Issa Asad Florida businessman and entrepreneur. Mr. Asad is the CEO of 2 companies in South Florida, including Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings.

Becoming a millionaire is not an easy task, and it is not an easy thing to maintain, either. Chances are good that millionaires are all intelligent people. Like mentioned above, becoming a millionaire usually doesn’t just “happen” to you. As a result of their heightened intelligence, millionaires have a vocabulary that many of the rest of us do not have.

That is not to say that they know words that you don’t know; it is rather to say that they perceive and use those words in a different way than you do. They take those words and make them mean something to their work and their wealth.

Below, Issa Asad shares 4 words that millionaires know more than you. By learning the millionaire’s meaning of these four words, you are a step closer to reaching your millionaire status.


Simply put, millionaires are afraid of nothing. Any sort of fear will keep you from reaching your goals and from achieving that desired level of success. The fears entrepreneurs have range from fear of failing, to fear of losing all your money, to losing friends. Whatever your fear is, find a way to get rid of it. It is what will hold you back from reaching success.


Becoming a millionaire does not happen overnight. For most people, it is a very slow process that takes years. And that process is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures. You have to be patient when you are striving to become a millionaire. You have to make plans for years down the road and envision what your life may be, and what it will take for you to get there.


One of the most important pieces of becoming a millionaire is having determination. Because the road to success is not an easy one, you are going to have to be prepared to handle some serious hits and failures in your strive to become a millionaire. There are absolutely going to be failures, so know this ahead of time and plan how you are going to work through those failures to learn from them and eventually turn them into successes.


You need to have specific goals in mind, more detailed than just “I want to become a millionaire.” What goals do you have along the way that will help you get to that point? You have to always be reaching for the stars and believing that you are able to do far more than you ever imagined. There will be many times where other people will not believe in you, and you will have to maintain belief in yourself. Goals will help you do that.

Becoming a millionaire is no easy task, but it is possible. By truly understanding and putting into practice the four above words, you are already on your way there.